#18 Shoot a Gun

If you know me at all, you know I’m very anti-gun. They scare me. I don’t get the sport of shooting and we’ve all seen (or personally experienced) the horror that comes from the barrel of a gun. So saying that firing a gun is a departure for me is an understatement.

IMG_0184On my latest trip to Texas to see friends in Fort Worth, I had the opportunity to go to a shooting range and knock another ridiculous experience off my ever-growing list. They had skeet, rifle and pistol ranges and after waiting 45 minutes on line, the four of us chose one .22 caliber handgun and bullets that we would share. It was very strange. We were clearly out of our element, surrounded by men, women and kids and the gun culture that Texas embraces. We were outfitted with a couple targets, protective glasses and ear protection and given more than a little attitude from the girl at the counter when she learned we were New Yorkers. They still seem a tad bitter about us Yankees.

Off we went to the range, where I jumped every second or two when a gunshot rang through the air. I had NO idea how loud actual gunfire is. I do have some sensory issues with loud noises, but this went above and beyond. Even with the ear protection it was loud. Very loud.

At the firing bench we got a short instruction on gun safety, loading and unloading the magazine and proper pistol grip and at the first “cease-fire” we hung our target and started shooting. They are (rightly) very stringent about gun safety. Each time we switched shooters we had to empty the magazine, lay the gun down and never, ever, point a loaded or unloaded gun anywhere but at the target. This is obviously a very important key point in using as gun. It’s also one that non-gun people like myself, tend to forget. Ok. So more than once I found myself wielding a gun around. Thankfully I never had my finger on the trigger and no one was injured, but boy I can see how accidents could easily happen.

Additionally, at the “Tactical” range next to us there were many people (including young women) shooting assault rifles. This was beyond my understanding. I get that it was target shooting. I get that Texas is an open carry state and guns are a way of life there, but after all the mass shooting and violence this country has experienced, it took me off my pins.IMG_0176

When all was said and done, I shot about 25 rounds, hit the target every time (for which June is now sleeping with one eye open) and actually had fun. I don’t ever plan to hold a gun in my hand ever again. I got past the fear of shooting, but I don’t think I’ll ever get past my fear of guns.

Suggested by me to try to overcome my fear.
Completed 3/3/18